Melting Pot At 15…Movin’ On Up To Year 16!

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For the first time since I started this blog, I neglected to do an anniversary post on the actual birthday of the Melting Pot, 7/7…Now, in a way, 7/8 works just as good, since this was our 15th year (7+8=15!), and I wish I could say that was the plan all along, but plans going awry or not being put in place when they needed to be was very much the theme of the past year. Took a bit of time, but the website now looks more or less how I always wanted it to look. All of the posts are integrated once again on a single site. Our 14th anniversary mix by the one and only Cut Chemist was more than even I could have imagined, and despite never being able to find the time to post regularly (though there was a major reason why that was the case over the past year, which I’ll talk about in a separate post), Melting Pot remains, as does my desire to share music. We’ll see what year 16 brings, not gonna make any promises or any predictions. It will be what it will be, and we’ll just see what it will be as the year unfolds…Onwards & Upwards my people, Peace & Bright Moments to you all.

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