In many cases when I start sorting out what mood or emotion I’ll focus on for this show, I may start with a song, sometimes a few songs, and then build around it. This month’s show coincided with a much needed break, which meant I had a little more time than usual to ponder and think about possible show ideas. There were a number of false starts, which may become shows in the future (particularly around some darker moods like Desperation and Depression), but nothing was coming to me that I could build a show around. While I initially gave myself some flexibility, where the show could focus on a specific mood for just a song or a set, I’ve actually enjoyed the challenge of creating an entire show around a particular mood/emotion. As I was beginning to get frustrated about the inability to pull the trigger on a specific mood, I realized that some of the issue was that I had gotten an almost unhealthy amount of vinyl in the last two months. Grips of records from Artform Studio, Permanent Records, Gimme Gimme, and Rappcats pop-ups from Cool Chris of Groove Merchant and DJ Shadow created a situation where there was a lot of vinyl lying around my apartment that I hadn’t even really heard at all.
From that realization the catalyst for focusing on “Neophilia,” the love for what is new or novel, was born. At first, I was just thinking that I would focus on “new” vinyl to my collection, but as I was going through these particular stacks I realized that there about 20 or so records that I hadn’t even heard at all, including some that were still sealed. Not only had I not heard the records, but in virtually every case they came from bands that I didn’t know previously. I then rather suddenly had the wild idea that it would be a good idea to actually do the show without listening to any of the records, but to start with one of the sealed records and just see if I could piece together a solid show. As a chronic planner (I often say ‘even my plans have plans,’) this was definitely not something I had ever done in my life before. After damn near 30 years in radio, it’s exceedingly rare to have a completely new experience. I’m thankful for the novelty of this show, but as I say at the end of the show, there ain’t no way I will ever do a show like this again! Having been through the experience of trying to get songs together in the moment and with the show recording was one of the most exciting, but also anxiety inducing experiences I think I’ve ever had as a DJ. I can’t entirely recommend it, but it was a cool challenge nonetheless. Hope y’all enjoy the results.
Moods In Free Time 023: Neophilia
Playlist – Moods In Free Time 023: Neophilia
{opening theme} The Visitors – The Juggler – In My Youth (Muse)
~~~~ Break ~~~~
The Glitterhouse – Tinkerbell’s Mind – Color Blind (Dynovoice)
Influence – Overture/I Admire – Influence (ABC)
Southwest FOB – Downtown Woman/Nadine – Smell Of Incense (Hip)
Fat – Country Girl – Fat (RCA)
Atlee – Swamp Rhythm – Flying Ahead (ABC)
~~~~ Break ~~~~
Endle St. Cloud – This Is Love – Thank You All Very Much (International Artists)
David Tukhmanov w/ Contemporary – From Sapho – On A Wave Of My Memory (Melodiya)
Acqua – Song From A Picture – Fragile (Numero Uno)
Oko – Samsam – Raskorak (MarCouMar)
Teddy Lasry – La Femme Qui Venait D’Ailleurs – La Femme Qui Venait D’Ailleurs (Sonimage)
Woz aka Paul Woznicki – 2nd Attempt – Woz (Ulterior)
~~~~ Break ~~~~
{Closing Theme} Tony Williams – Wild Life – Believe It! (Columbia)