The past year was the least active I’ve been in the decade since beginning this blog (so much so that even this yearly anniversary post comes a day late of the actual anniversary on 7/7). There aren’t even enough posts for the annual “Deepest Digs” mix to include 20 different artists! There are a number of reasons for this, but what’s most clear is I just haven’t been making sharing music on this site a priority. In my personal life, I’m often sharing music with friends, still buying far too many records, and still going to a number of live shows. It’s not that my passion for sharing music has waned at all, but my creative energies have been primarily around writing poetry and not writing about music here. In contrast to previous years, I’m not going to promise that this year will be better, but I can say that that is my hope and that here in the Summer, I’m hopeful that I’ll get back on track with posts and some long promised mixes. With any luck, this will also finally be the year that I’m back to being on the radio on a regular basis…fingers crossed. Onwards and upwards to year 11 my peoples, Bright moments to you all!!!