Our first return guests on Melting Pot were LA’s very own Chicano Batman. The first time they came in, they played all acoustic. This time around the band played fully plugged in with new member, guitarist Carlos Arévalo. In the session they play slightly different versions of all four songs from their brand new EP Joven Navegante, plus one from their first album, the song “Itotiani,” which was specifically requested by my wife.

During the interview we talk about how Carlos joined the group, the differences between recording their first and second release, their recent kickstarter campaign to get Joven Navegante pressed on vinyl and upcoming shows for the band. This has really seemed like the summer of Chicano Batman, with brand new music and a ton of chances to see them live in the LA area, it really was a pleasure to have them return to Melting Pot. Big thanks to Stan Misraje for the sound and Jorge Avila at Qvole for setting things up. Enjoy the sounds!
Chicano Batman on KPFK’s Melting Pot: Recorded 7-16-2012
As we mentioned in the interview, there are a lot of chances to catch Chicano Batman live in LA in the coming months. Stay tuned to their homepage for updates on more shows:
July 28 – KCRW’s Chinatown Summer Nights w/ Anthony Valadez and Jeremy Sole
July 29 – The Mayan w/ Ondatropica, Buyepongo and Very Be Careful
August 2 – KPCC’s Between The Beats @ The Crawford Family Forum
August 9 – Made In LA @ the Hammer Museum w/ Anthony Valadez
August 10 – Amoeba Hollywood In-Store
August 30 – Bootleg Theater w/ The Boogaloo Assassins and Anthony Valadez