Super solid show begins with a minor tribute to Alice Coltrane, to whom they were paying major tribute to at UCLA’s Royce Hall on Sunday. From there we go a number of places, as usual, including some new music from Dum Dum Girls, Polar bear & Jyager, Teengirl Fantasy, Atlas Sound, and Hanni El Khatib. At the start of the second hour is a performance and interview featuring Belleruche, who came to our studio on Monday for a session that was supposed to take just an hour, but ended up lasting much longer than that as we tried to work out some technical issues. The group were extremely gracious with their time and thankfully everything worked out with them playing 3 songs just before having to roll down to Hollywood for a show at Bardot before leaving for Seattle and many points beyond. Enjoy the sounds.
Melting Pot on KPFK #24: First Hour
Melting Pot on KPFK #24: Second Hour